Razer, видимо, настолько понравилось производить маски во время эпидемии, что теперь компания решила побороться и за экологичность окружающей среды. Помочь матушке Земле компания решила путем выпуска мультфильмов с фирменным маскотом Sneki Snek. Первая пилотная серия мультфильма с зеленой змейкой вышла еще в июне, но ее популярность оказалась достаточно высокой, чтобы Razer решилась на выпуск дополнительных серий, повествующих о различных видах влияния человека на устойчивость окружающей среды.
"Мы обязаны убедиться, что молодое поколение имеет все необходимые знания для защиты и спасения нашей планеты, которую они унаследуют." - сообщает глава сообщества Razer Патриция Лю (Patricia Liu). "Будь то предоставление доступа к информации или сплочение сообщества за счет наших собственных усилий по обеспечению устойчивости, мы надеемся вдохновить следующее поколение геймеров присоединиться к нам в борьбе с изменением климата.” Выпуск мультсериала помогает осуществлять американская компания по управлению активами Franklin Templeton, по плану должно выйти еще 5 эпизодов.
Razer уже не первый раз старается быть более "зеленой": не так давно компания передавала часть средств с продажи собственной продукции на финансирование восстановление океана от загрязнения пластиком, а организованная брендом кампания Sneki Snek Conservation International спасла более 600 000 деревьев (по данным самой Razer, конечно же).
IRVINE, Calif.– Razer™, the leading global lifestyle brand for gamers (Hong Kong Stock Code: 1337), today released a new animated series starring none other than Razer’s fan-favorite and sustainability mascot, Sneki Snek. The cartoon aims to educate young Razer fans on environmental issues, and what they can do to live more sustainably, in a series of lighthearted cartoon shorts.
Partnering with Razer to enhance environmental literacy is one of the world’s largest asset managers, Franklin Templeton, who are sponsoring the first season of the show and are contributing to Sneki Snek’s cause to save trees. The show will be streamed across Razer’s social network channels including YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, with new episodes coming out every month. The animated series follows Sneki Snek and his sidekicks on their mission to stop the antagonist, the Hooman, who is constantly hurting the planet.
The first season consists of six bite-sized episodes and will tackle issues such as deforestation, over-fishing, air pollution, upcycling, slash-and-burn farming, and climate change. Viewers will learn about pressing environmental issues and what they can do to make a difference, as Sneki Snek shares advice on how to join the fight against climate change. The integration of environmental and social considerations in entertaining content aims to empower viewers with the practical information they need yet may not have access to.
“We are delighted to partner with Franklin Templeton to bring this animation to life. We are always looking for ways to empower our community, and in this case, knowledge is power,” says, Patricia Liu, Razer’s Chief of Staff. “It’s our responsibility to ensure that the youth are armed with what they need to defend our planet, as they will be the ones inheriting it. So, whether it’s by giving them access to information, or rallying the community through our own sustainability efforts, we hope to inspire the next generation of gamers to join us in the frontier against climate change.”
Last year Razer partnered with Conservation International to save trees through their Sneki Snek campaign. As a part of this partnership, a portion of the proceeds from the sale of Sneki Snek eco-merchandise goes towards helping Conservation International save trees. Razer has since then rallied their community by launching a new Sneki Snek product with every 100,000 trees saved and have just celebrated saving 600,000 trees with the latest Sneki Snek Giant Cushion drop. With Franklin Templeton also committing to saving 50,000 trees, the end goal of saving 1 million trees together with the community is drawing even closer.
“We are most pleased to support Razer in its efforts to make the world a better place for all,” said Dora Seow, Country Head for Singapore, Franklin Templeton. “As a global asset management leader, we recognize the need to protect our environment and are committed to reducing our environmental impact. We hope this adorable series will get people thinking about the importance of sustainable living and investing.”