Apple iPad mini Retina

Price comparison
Усреднено 28 оценок (из 48 обзоров)
Обзоры Apple iPad mini Retina
В миниатюре. Большие смартфоны в последнее время напоминают маленькие планшеты, и никого это не удивляет. А еще почти у всех устройств есть уменьшенная версия с приставкой "Mini". Не стал исключением и бессмертный планшет от компании Apple.

Итак, уже можно с уверенностью констатировать факт, с которым вряд ли кто-то не согласится: мини-планшеты с дисплеем Retina, пришедшие на смену обычному iPad mini, отличаются просто-таки отменным качеством изображения. Пожалуй, это отличие является наиболее существенным, ведь ни дизайн, ни интерфейсы, по сравнению с предыдущей моделью совсем не изменились. Внешний вид iPad mini Retina все так же заставляет учащенно биться сердце любителей простоты и классики. Производительность мини-планшета не может не радовать, ведь устройству доступны решения практически любых современных требовательных задач. Интересным моментом является возможность поддержки сотовой связи Cellular, которая гарантирует наличие интернета даже без доступа к Wi-Fi. Впрочем, это не является новаторством, в предыдущих поколениях планшетов Apple такая возможность уже была реализована. Она позволяет пользователю получать доступ в интернет в любое время в любом месте, а ведь это так важно для подобного гаджета! Также мы оценили автономность планшетного ПК, который способен работать без подзарядки достаточно продолжительное время.
Классический обзор, онлайн, малой длины, Дата: 28 February 2014
Источник: Zoom

Поклонники планшетов Apple iPad разделились на две категории. Одни говорят: «Зачем нужен iPad Air, если есть iPad mini Retina?», — другие, — «зачем нужен iPad mini Retina, если есть iPad Air?». И это замечательно — Apple удалось создать два продукта, которые не конкурируют между собой, а дополняют друг друга и предназначены для разных потребителей. Впрочем, автор этих строк, прежде владелец iPad 4, после знакомства с iPad mini Retina и iPad Air, решил для себя, что формат iPad mini ему действительно удобнее. Разница между экраном 9,7’’ и 7,9’’ не такая уж существенная, на самом деле. А удобство у компактного iPad mini Retina намного выше, даже чем у облегчённого Air.
Классический обзор, онлайн, средн. длины, Дата: 16 December 2013
Источник: Hi-Tech Mail

Новый iPad mini сохранил ключевые достоинства предшественника: рекордно малую толщину, тот же дизайн с узкими рамками и цельноалюминиевый корпус, громкие стереодинамики, огромную базу софта и те же показатели автономной работы. Немного разочаровало то, что в планшете решили не использовать сканер отпечатков пальцев, как в iPhone 5s (это бы увеличило стоимость), а также прежнюю камеру, хотя 8 Мп модуль был бы уместнее. В остальном планшет оставил самое приятное впечатление, такого же сочетания размеров, качества материалов, скорости и времени работы нет у Android-конкурентов, за что можно смело рекомендовать модель к покупке.
Классический обзор, онлайн, больш. длины, Дата: 14 November 2013
Обзоры на других языках

The new iPad 4 offers great power for a reasonable price, and we'd be tempted to pay the extra £100 to upgrade from an A7 to A8 processor. It'll offer much better performance in the long run, and you will get better upgrades in the long run. Touch ID is a nice extra, and it's good for unlocking your iPad. Although you can't use your iPad mini to make in-store purchases with Apple Pay (like an iPhone) so Touch ID is really a quicker way to unlock your iPad mini. Even so, we'd pay the extra £100 to upgrade if possible. The faster CPU will give better performance over the long run.
Обзор-сравнение, онлайн, малой длины, Дата: 09 October 2015

Think carefully before committing all that money, and focus on the physical differences, which affect both your screen space and the portability of your device. When discussing new 'form factors' we often advise readers - assuming they can't pop into an Apple Store and feel the devices for themselves - to mock up cardboard effigies of the two items under consideration (using the dimensions above) and play around with them. See if it fits in that bag you like. Imagine watching a film on the screen. Try to work out if it's right for you and your lifestyle.
Обзор-сравнение, онлайн, средн. длины, Дата: 02 October 2015
Источник: Tech Advisor

The iPad mini 4 is the “best” iPad mini, but that’s from a technical standpoint. If you’re happy to trade off performance, screen quality, camera quality, and a Touch ID sensor (plus the more subtle differences in the table) then the £100 saving on the iPad mini 2 means it could be the one for you. The upgrades arguably make the mini 4 worth that extra £100 and it will no doubt be a more future-proof purchase if you care about being able to upgrade to the latest version of iOS. We expect the mini 4 to get at least the next two versions – iOS 10 and iOS 11. The iPad mini 3 is only a good deal if you can find a refurbished model at a low price – i.e. not much more than the equivalent iPad mini 2.
Обзор-сравнение, онлайн, длина не указана, Дата: 29 September 2015
Источник: Tech Advisor

If you're thinking about upgrading from the iPad mini 2 then you're going to have to really want the Touch ID fingerprint scanner and the gold model (the additional storage will cost you more anyway).
Обзор-сравнение, онлайн, оч. малой длины, Дата: 20 October 2014
Источник: Tech Advisor

Considering that it is last year's product, the iPad mini with Retina Display is hanging in there. We prefer the Sony, principally because it is more powerful, thinner and lighter, has a better camera and - glory be - it's cheaper. But the iPad mini remains a stunning device, and for those that prefer Apple it won't be a let down.
Обзор-сравнение, онлайн, оч. малой длины, Дата: 19 September 2014

Having won four rounds to the Galaxy Tab S 8.4's three, the iPad Mini 2 with Retina display is the winner of this versus review. Featuring robust security, significantly better battery life and a cleaner, more intuitive user interface the iPad Mini 2 remains one of the best small form factor tablets currently available.
Обзор-сравнение, онлайн, средн. длины, Дата: 20 August 2014
Источник: Ubergizmo English

The iPad mini (2012) was an iPad 2 experience in a smaller form; unable to run iOS 7 properly with all of the animations and transparency effects smoothly and fluidly. But even, so it sold millions. People clearly wanted a smaller iPad. The iPad mini with Retina display improves upon the iPad mini (2012) in every way. It’s now equally as fast as the iPhone 5s and iPad Air with the same A7 processor, M7 motion coprocessor, 1GB of RAM. It’s so fast, it’s obvious that Apple designed this device with the future and iOS 8 in mind.
Классический обзор, онлайн, больш. длины, Дата: 07 August 2014
Рейтинг: Итого: 90%
Источник: Tech Advisor

It's difficult to decide which tablet is best without having both devices in our lab for thorough testing. I am an Android user, and would take the Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4's larger, higher-resolution screen, more compact size and weight, potentially faster performance, micro-USB port, better cameras and fingerprint scanner over anything the iPad mini has to offer. But if you are a fan of Apple's devices, the software alone may make this decision for you.
Обзор-сравнение, онлайн, малой длины, Дата: 25 June 2014

Which iPad would we recommend? Obviously that depends on your needs. If portability is top priority, the iPad mini 2 remains the best option, although the iPad Air is so much slimmer and lighter than previous 'full-size' iPads that it's close to catching up. The iPad Air can be used one-handed for quite a long time without tiring the arm, which makes it great for reading - although if that's all you want to do with your iPad, you could save some money and just get the old iPad mini (or a Kindle, at that). The A7 processor on the new iPads make them superb games machines, and ideal for photo and video editing, especially for the next few years as such apps get more demanding.
Обзор-сравнение, онлайн, малой длины, Дата: 20 May 2014
Источник: PC Authority

Other tablets are substantially cheaper, but the iPad mini is more powerful and longer-lasting, and the sheer quantity and quality of choice in the Apple App Store remain ahead of rival devices. If you can afford it, this is the best compact tablet going.
Классический обзор, онлайн, оч. малой длины, Дата: 10 April 2014
Рейтинг: Итого: 83% Стоимость: 67% Производительность: 100% Оснащение: 83% Внешний вид: 83%
Источник: It Pro

Overall, the iPad mini 2 represents a huge improvement over the original. The increase in price is just about justified as everything about the iPad mini 2 from the build quality to display oozes quality. It's not as good valaue for money as the Nexus 7 (2013) or as versatile as the Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4in, but the mini 2 is a fantastic tablet.
Классический обзор, онлайн, малой длины, Дата: 27 March 2014
Рейтинг: Итого: 80%

The addition of the Retina screen is a real boost to the 8in tablet range from Apple, and it’s impressive that this extra-high quality display and faster processor haven’t dented battery life. We’d definitely award the iPad Mini 2 our top score if it wasn’t for the even higher starting price now attached to the device; it’s a premium 8in tablet but at a very premium cost.
Классический обзор, онлайн, средн. длины, Дата: 14 February 2014
Рейтинг: Итого: 80%

Which iPad would we recommend? Obviously that depends on your needs. If portability is top priority, the iPad mini 2 is still the best option, although the iPad Air is so slim and light that it's close to catching up; the iPad Air can be used one-handed for quite a long time without tiring the arm, which makes it great for reading - although if that's all you want to do with your iPad, you could save some money and just get the old iPad mini. The A7 processor on the new iPads make them superb games machines, and ideal for photo and video editing, especially for the next few years as such apps get more demanding. But the iPad Air has the larger screen to go with those activities - we'd rather edit movies on a 9.7in screen, and games are more immersive on the larger device. Hopefully we've summarised the strengths and weaknesses of Apple's new iPads effectively, but our last word would be this: if you heart is set on one of the new iPads, is portability or the screen your first priority? The two lines have got closer on both fronts, but the iPad Air remains the best option for a stunning visual experience, while the iPad mini 2 is a great buy if you want to slip a fast, powerful computing device in a handbag or rucksack pocket.
Обзор-сравнение, онлайн, малой длины, Дата: 10 February 2014
Источник: Expert Reviews

There's no doubt in our mind that the iPad Mini with Retina Display is the best small tablet. It perfectly balances screen resolution and size with portability, with Apple producing a tablet that fits comfortably in one hand. Build quality is excellent, too, putting this tablet above the cheaper, but still great, Google Nexus 7. Most importantly, with this model Apple has removed any compromise between this and the iPad Air. Personally, we slightly prefer the larger screen of the Air, especially as that tablet doesn't feel a lot bigger than the Mini. Still, if you want to save a bit of money or need a tablet that can be used comfortably in one hand, the iPad Mini is a brilliant choice.
Классический обзор, онлайн, средн. длины, Дата: 03 February 2014
Рейтинг: Итого: 100%
Источник: PC Pro

It’s testament to the sheer quality of Apple’s efforts that the iPad mini with Retina display doesn’t feel outlandishly expensive. Other tablets, such as Google’s Nexus 7, or the Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, offer substantially better value, but the iPad mini is more powerful and longer-lasting, and the sheer quantity and quality of choice in the Apple App Store remains ahead of rival devices. For most people, the Google Nexus 7 remains the better buy, but if you can afford it, the iPad Mini with Retina display is the finest compact tablet out there.
Классический обзор, онлайн, малой длины, Дата: 17 January 2014
Рейтинг: Итого: 83% Стоимость: 67% Производительность: 100% Оснащение: 83% Внешний вид: 83%

If it’s a smaller, lighter iPad you are after you can’t go wrong with the new iPad mini with Retina display. It’s better than last year’s model in all the ways that really matter, especially in terms of the screen and the speed. While the iPad mini costs slightly more this year than the original iPad mini did at launch, we think the increased cost isa small price to pay for the updated technology. While it would be nice if the iPad mini 2 had slimmed down, it’s hardly fat, and the iPad Air is practically the same thickness.
Классический обзор, онлайн, средн. длины, Дата: 17 January 2014
Рейтинг: Итого: 100%
Источник: Tech Advisor

The new iPad mini is a tablet for which many people have been waiting eagerly. With it's 'better than HD' Retina screen and new, much faster processor, it's a considerably better tablet. But it's also more expensive, while the old model is still on sale at a lower price.Maybe you already own an iPad mini and are wondering whether to upgrade. The decision isn't easy, but we're here to help. Read on to find out whether to buy an iPad mini 2 or not.
Обзор-сравнение, онлайн, оч. малой длины, Дата: 24 December 2013
Источник: Tech Advisor

The iPad mini with Retina display is a fabulous tablet. The screen is excellent and more than worth the minimal weight gain. Performance is also excellent, and the 64-bit processor makes this much more future-proof than the original iPad mini. The higher price (compared to the original cost of the iPad mini) may be frustrating, but it’s arguably better value than the iPad Air as well as being more portable. If you can afford it, you won’t be disappointed.
Классический обзор, онлайн, малой длины, Дата: 13 December 2013
Рейтинг: Итого: 80% Стоимость: 80% Производительность: 90% Оснащение: 80% Внешний вид: 90%
Источник: Hot Hardware

From a design standpoint, there’s really nothing to see here that wasn’t seen already in the initial version of the iPad mini, but the overall package is far more compelling. The form factor suits those who are only interested in smaller tablets that can be used in one-handed operation, but more importantly, the iPad mini with Retina display offers plenty of reasons for those who ignored the first edition to finally bite.
Классический обзор, онлайн, больш. длины, Дата: 13 December 2013
Источник: Techspot

It’s clear after using the device that the iPad mini with Retina display is the best small-sized tablet that money can buy. Its build quality is second to none, combining a portable form factor with premium materials, and performance that is on-par with the iPad Air, which is exactly what you want to see despite its smaller size. Apart from the performance, the key improvement over the first-generation iPad mini is the display, which packs 3.1 million pixels into a 7.9-inch 4:3 panel. The crispness is certainly eye-catching and fabulous for reading text, and while the display is not without its flaws (gamut-wise), it’s reasonably easy to simply gloss over them. Of course it’s entirely up to whether you prefer the size of the iPad mini or iPad Air, but the former excels in the small-tablet arena.
Классический обзор, онлайн, оч. большой длины, Дата: 27 November 2013
Рейтинг: Итого: 95%
Источник: Comp Reviews

The iPad Mini with Retina display is such a huge improvement over the original that it is hard to use the new one and even consider looking at the older one. In essence, Apple has taken all the things they did with the iPad Air and then offered them in the smaller tablet and with a $100 lower price than the Air. The display in particular is incredibly sharp and a beauty to behold.
Классический обзор, онлайн, малой длины, Дата: 25 November 2013
Рейтинг: Итого: 80%
Источник: Reg Hardware

Would I recommend the new Mini? To anyone already in the Apple ecosystem, yes; to OS-agnostic new buyers, no. The new iPad Mini is a very nice mid-size tablet, but I honestly can’t see a reason for Joe Soap to favour one over, say, the Nexus 7, or the Kindle Fire HD or HDX if you don’t mind being tied to Amazon. That’s not because the Mini is an inferior product, simply because it’s a much more costly one.
Классический обзор, онлайн, больш. длины, Дата: 21 November 2013
Источник: Stuff TV

If it wasn’t for the tiny niggles of colour reproduction, performance and price, we’d give the iPad Mini with Retina display the overall tablet crown. Colours look slightly more vivid and accurate both on the iPad Air (which also performs ever-so-slightly better) and key, cheaper rivals such as the Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire HDX. Then there’s price - now we know the Mini isn’t quite as good as the Air in absolutely every respect, making that £80 difference bigger than it may at first seem. The Retina Mini is now our favourite small tablet, beating the Google Nexus 7 to that coveted second spot in the list of the best tablets you can buy right now, and narrowly missing out on the overall top spot, which remains the lofty perch of its bigger brother, the iPad Air.
Классический обзор, онлайн, больш. длины, Дата: 21 November 2013
Рейтинг: Итого: 100%
Источник: T3

But if, like us, the size and feel of the Mini is of most importance, it offers such a boost in performance and display quality, it's worth the upgrade. The Retina resolution feels like the missing piece of the Mini puzzle and keeps it at the top of our tablet table. We thought the iPad Air was a stunning piece of technological invention; this just takes all of that goodness and puts it into a device that's more manageable in more real-life situations. We love it.
Классический обзор, онлайн, средн. длины, Дата: 20 November 2013
Рейтинг: Итого: 100%
Источник: Trusted Reviews

Just like the iPad Air before it, the iPad mini 2 has a strong case for being crowned the best tablet in its class. However, the iPad mini 2 comes with a serious set of solid and very price-conscious competitors. The iPad mini Retina has improved exactly where it needed to. Better screen, better camera and much faster processor are all present, but it’s not a wildly different experience from the original iPad mini. That’s no bad thing as the iPad mini 2 is one of the best small-form tablets on the market, even if the extra cost is a little hard to justify.
Классический обзор, онлайн, больш. длины, Дата: 19 November 2013
Рейтинг: Итого: 90% Стоимость: 70% Производительность: 100% Оснащение: 100% Качество экрана: 100% Портативность: 90% Внешний вид: 100%
Источник: Engadget

In the course of a year, the iPad mini has hit puberty, and matured quite a bit. It's an iterative update, for sure, but one that makes it vastly better than the original. Because it now offers a Retina display, fast connectivity and a powerful processor, the mini now shares top-tier product status with the iPad Air. This is precisely the iPad mini we've been waiting for, but it comes with a price hike of $70 over last year's model.
Классический обзор, онлайн, больш. длины, Дата: 15 November 2013
Источник: Slashgear

As upgrades go, you can’t fault the iPad mini with Retina display. Apple took the two biggest complaints – speed and screen – in hand, and returned with a tablet that looks great, performs great, and still delivers on battery life and portability. The tempting option might have been to dilute the update so as to leave the iPad Air clearly in the lead as the full-sized flagship, but Apple is obviously so confident in the equal allure of each model, it has no reason to artificially delineate the range.
Классический обзор, онлайн, средн. длины, Дата: 15 November 2013
Источник: Wired Magazine

The iPad mini is exactly the type of product we expect from Apple. Stunning good looks, a display so high resolution it’d take a magnifying glass to pick out the pixels, and unparalleled performance. This is the smaller iPad that should have debuted last year, but hey, better late than never.
Классический обзор, онлайн, оч. малой длины, Дата: 15 November 2013
Рейтинг: Итого: 90%
Источник: Laptop Mag

The iPad mini with Retina Display is simultaneously a splurge compared with 7-inch Android tablets and one heck of a value in the context of Apple's own tablet lineup. For $100 less than the full-size iPad Air, you get the same sharp screen resolution and blazing A7 chip in a more compact design.
Классический обзор, онлайн, больш. длины, Дата: 14 November 2013
Рейтинг: Итого: 80%
Источник: PC Mag

So you're paying $170 extra here (up from last year's $120 difference) to get iOS apps rather than Android apps. If you're an iPhone user, or you're attracted by unique iOS exclusives like the Infinity Blade series of games, Toca Boca kids' apps, or the iWork office suite, that investment will probably be worth it. But I think all of those apps play even better on the big iPad. If you're looking for cross-platform applications like Kindle book reading, comics reading, casual games, or Web browsing, you can get them on a great tablet that costs a lot less. That makes the iPad mini a very highly rated tablet, but still not quite our Editors' Choice.
Классический обзор, онлайн, малой длины, Дата: 14 November 2013
Рейтинг: Итого: 90%
Источник: e-media - Heft 11/2015

Классический обзор, , длина не указана, Дата: 15 May 2015
Рейтинг: Итого: 86%
Источник: Computerbild - Heft 17/2014

Классический обзор, , длина не указана, Дата: 16 August 2014
Рейтинг: Итого: 89%
Источник: Chip Test & Kauf - Heft Nr. 5/2014

Классический обзор, , длина не указана, Дата: 01 August 2014
Рейтинг: Итого: 99%
Источник: PC News - Heft 3/2014

Классический обзор, , длина не указана, Дата: 16 March 2014
Рейтинг: Итого: 100%
Источник: Notebookinfo

Классический обзор, онлайн, больш. длины, Дата: 19 February 2014
Рейтинг: Итого: 96% Производительность: 100% Качество экрана: 90% Портативность: 100% Внешний вид: 100% Эргономичность: 90% Нагрев и шум: 95%
Источник: SFT - Heft 3/2014

Классический обзор, , длина не указана, Дата: 01 February 2014
Рейтинг: Итого: 98%
Источник: Chip (Print) - Heft 2/2014

Классический обзор, , длина не указана, Дата: 01 January 2014
Рейтинг: Итого: 95% Оснащение: 92% Качество экрана: 94% Портативность: 89% Нагрев и шум: 98%
Источник: Tom's Hardware

Классический обзор, онлайн, больш. длины, Дата: 17 December 2013
Источник: Mac & i - Heft 1/2014

Классический обзор, , длина не указана, Дата: 16 December 2013
Источник: Stiftung Warentest - Heft 1/2014

Классический обзор, , длина не указана, Дата: 01 December 2013
Рейтинг: Итого: 92% Качество экрана: 88% Портативность: 97%
Источник: Mobicroco

Классический обзор, онлайн, малой длины, Дата: 12 November 2013
Источник: 01Net

Классический обзор, онлайн, оч. малой длины, Дата: 20 November 2013
Рейтинг: Итого: 100%
Источник: Sohoa VN Express

Классический обзор, онлайн, малой длины, Дата: 29 November 2013
Рейтинг: Итого: 90% Качество экрана: 90% Портативность: 90% Внешний вид: 90%

Классический обзор, онлайн, оч. большой длины, Дата: 07 December 2013

Классический обзор, онлайн, больш. длины, Дата: 26 November 2013
Рейтинг: Итого: 83%
Imagination PowerVR G6430: Четырехъядерный видеоадаптер для ARM-чипов, поддерживающий OpenGL 4.x и ES 3.0.
Графические процессоры этой категории производительности практически не подходят дли игр, но справятся с самыми простыми делами, вроде отображения 2D-материала на экране умеренного разрешения.
>> Больше сведений: Большой рейтинг видеокарт.
A7: Разработанный компанией Apple чип, используемый в смартфоне iPhone 5S и планшете iPad Air. Включает два ARM-ядра "Cyclone" ("Циклон") и встроенный видеоадаптер PowerVR G6430.
>> Больше сведений: Большой рейтинг процессоров.
7.90": Такой размер экрана можно считать пограничным между смартфонами и планшетами.
Важно отметить, что у смартфонов с подобной диагональю экрана почти наверняка будет великоватое энергопотребление.
>> Больше сведений: Рейтинг ноутбуков по качеству дисплея.
90.64%: Хороший товар с несколькими не слишком существенными недостатками.
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